Friday, April 26, 2013

We've been home three days.  Gam is sleeping much better at home than she was in the hospital.  All of the home care nurses and therapists who have come in the last few days are so amazed at how capable and "with it" she is.  She has been a little nervous to use the ramp and go outside.  Yesterday I tried it in her wheelchair first and assured her I could help her go outside.  Once she was outside she came right to life, zooming around on her wheelchair.  I told her she should probably move to the shade so she didn't get sunburned.  She began wheeling toward the shade and then zoomed right through it to the sun again.  I told her she had missed the shade and she responded, "I know, I like the sun on my face.  I will just stay here."  She is always sweet, but definitely stubborn.  :)

Gam has a bell next to her bed so that she can ring for me in the night.  Her physical therapist told her she didn't want her going to the bathroom in the night alone and to ring for me, Gam agreed that she would.  Ron and I both looked at each other knowing she would never ring the bell.  Sure enough I woke up this morning and hadn't heard the bell all night so went to check on her.  Gam said she had gone to the bathroom twice in the night all on her own.  I asked her why she hadn't rung the bell and she said, "because I didn't have any problems."

Today I helped Gam in the bathroom and told her like usual to holler when she was done so I could help her out.  A few minutes later I hadn't heard anything so I walked back to check on her, and she met me at the door in her walker. She said she had already done everything and washed her hands.  I asked her why she didn't yell for me, because that was dangerous.  She said, "I did."  I said I didn't hear her and she responded, "well maybe I didn't try to say it that loud." I've gotta keep my eye on that girl! 

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