Saturday, April 27, 2013

Good day

 Today we went on a real adventure and left the house!  Ron said Gam hasn't left to just go out in over two years.  Her stomach was a little uneasy before we left, because she was a little nervous and hesitant to go somewhere.  We went to a park and watched some random little league games, walked around a farmers market and checked out the library.  She really enjoyed herself, and wants to go out again tomorrow.  She loved the little league game because she said it reminded her of all her boys when they were younger and going to their games.
I also gave Gam a manicure today, She really enjoyed having her nails clipped, filed and painted.

She always needs encouraging going outside (the ramp makes her a little nervous), but she is slowly becoming more comfortable.  Yesterday we went up to Ron's and he opened up the doors and played us some of his music he has been working on.
Today when we got back from farmers market, Bob was there with his dog "Spencer".  We all made Tacos for dinner, which Gam really enjoyed and then played bananagrams.  I won both games.  Gam was the judge to tell us if our words counted or not.  She was getting a kick out of Ron who was making up all sorts of words thinking they were real words.  Gam said today for her was a really fun day, and she was beginning to feel more like herself.  

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