Friday, April 26, 2013


 Gam Celebrated her 95th Birthday on Monday.  She loved getting all of the flowers, cards and phone calls. None of her nurses or therapists can believe she is 95, they keep thinking she is in her 70's.  Today her Occupational Therapist asked how old she was and when Gam told her 95, she was literally in shock.  She said, "Oh my gosh, for some reason I was thinking 70's, I never would have guessed 90's.  You are my new hero!"  
 She said she has really enjoyed her, roommate (who she became good friends with, and they really enjoyed each others company) doctor and all of the nurses in the hospital (except for this one "bad apple", but she took care of that)

Beth with her two oldest sons on her 95th Birthday

Ron sang a few songs for her, which everyone in the hospital enjoyed!
On Tuesday after meeting with all of the nurses and Physical Therapist, she was able to finally come home!  She was really excited, but I could tell she was nervous to go home.  As we were driving up the road she said, "I think you took the wrong way, none of this look familiar."  But as we came up the driveway she began to recognize everything.  Her first day home she just kept saying how small her house looked, and how much smaller everything seemed than she remembered.  Although she seemed a little nervous you could tell she was excited to be in her home.  When I asked her what she wanted for dinner her first night she said, "Oh they fed me so much in the hospital, I think I will be good for a while."  She never really has an appetite, but when I remind her that she needs to eat at least three meals  a day to stay strong she will say, "Oh all right, I guess I should eat something."

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